Implementing best practices for care.
The Digital Hub is affiliated with a major Canada-China research initiative, Enhanced Measurement-Based care Effectiveness for Depression (EMBED): A Canada-China implementation project [Principal Investigators: Digital Hub Executive Director Dr. Raymond W. Lam (Canada) and Dr. Jun Chen, Director & Chief Physician, Depressive Disorders Program of the Shanghai Mental Health Centre (SMHC) (China)].
This program adapts and develops technologies, such as smartphone apps, online training programs, electronic medical records, and internet-delivered self-management interventions with telephone and WeChat (SMS) coaching, to implement measurement-based care (MBC) for depression in community mental health centres across Shanghai. Technology-enabled MBC (called “enhanced” or eMBC) tools and training developed through EMBED will be available through the Digital Hub and may serve as models for future development and scale up in the region.
Dr. Raymond W. LAM, Professor and BC Leadership Chair in Depression Research; Interim Head, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia; Director, Mood Disorders Centre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health; Executive Chair, Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT)
Dr. Jun CHEN, Director & Chief Physician, Depressive Disorders Program, Division of Mood Disorders, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine