Artificial Intelligence in health innovation was a key theme at this year’s Shanghai Forum 2018 (the Forum), an annual international meeting of political dignitaries, distinguished scholars, and business leaders held in Shanghai, China that fosters discussion and consensus-building on issues such as governance, public security, culture & civilization, and scientific & technological innovation.
Co-hosted by Fudan University and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies and undertaken by Fudan Development Institute (FDDI), the 2018 Forum took place from May 26-28 and addressed the overarching theme “Asia’s Responsibilities in a World of Change.”
Dr. Andy Greenshaw, Scientific Director for the APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health, co-chaired a session on Digital Futures and Health Innovation, jointly organized by the University of Alberta and the Aga Khan University.
Dr. Greenshaw is currently conducting research on the application of machine learning and data-mining to predict differential diagnosis and treatment responses in mental disorders. He is part of a collaborative computational psychiatry group that includes researchers from the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII) and the IBM Centre for Advanced Study at the University of Alberta, the IBM TJ Watson Centre in New York, West Sichuan Hospital in Chengdu, and the National Institute for Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIMHANS) in Bangalore. He is also co-leading the development of a mental health data institute in partnership with the Medical University of Chongqing, China, and the University of Alberta.
Session speakers included Dr. Carl Amrhein, Provost of the Aga Khan University; Directors Dr. Fang Yiru and Dr. Chen Jun of the Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (SMHC); Dr. Lei Han, President of the Chongqing Medical University; Dr. Liu Lei, Principal Investigator at the Fudan University Institutes of Biomedical Sciences; Dr. Ma Yantao, Deputy Director of the Beijing University 6th Hospital; and Dr. Linda Woodhouse, Associate Professor at the University of Alberta.